Glock Polymer Front Sight W/Screw(SP06956) and Rear Sight 7.3mm(SP00210) Bundle
Glock Polymer Front Sight W/Screw(SP06956) and Polymer Rear Sight 7.3mm(SP00210) Bundle
Polymer Black With White Dot Front Sight and White
Outline Rear Sight
Fits all standard models except G42/G43
Glock Part # SP06956 & SP00210
Glock Factory Original Replacement Part
**Please note not all parts are "drop in". As with all gun parts some installations may require disassembly and reassembly. Some parts may require fitting and some may require installation by a qualified gunsmith.
Polymer Black With White Dot Front Sight and White
Outline Rear Sight
Fits all standard models except G42/G43
Glock Part # SP06956 & SP00210
Glock Factory Original Replacement Part
**Please note not all parts are "drop in". As with all gun parts some installations may require disassembly and reassembly. Some parts may require fitting and some may require installation by a qualified gunsmith.